
Virtonomics Online Business Game

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sanitation - A 3rd World Problem

Virtonomics - Lien Ledger |

If you've ever needed to go to the bathroom and one was not available to you, just for that moment you probably stopped taking for granted the pervasive availability of modern sanitation facilities in all in 1st world countries.

I just read a very interesting article (link below) regarding attempts to improve sanitation in 3rd world countries.  Per the article one third of the world's population does not have access to safe, hygienic sanitation.  Sanitation lies at the root of many other development challenges, as poor sanitation impacts public health, education, and the environment.  The article explores the technology innovations helping to address the issue and if the private sector is better placed then the public sector to implement these solutions.

BBC Article: Toilet tech proves that where there's muck there's brass

I browse major news and business news websites when looking for real world stories to cover and tie in to Virtonomics.  I never have to look very long.  For example this topic, covering toilets and sanitation, is one you would not think a business simulation would cover due to its very real world unglamorous nature.   Virtonomics does.

At the government level, Virtonomics politicians can support sanitation, ecology and health by adding line items in the government budget or by funding special projects.

In the private sector, sanitary equipment is a product line.  It's supported by the clay and ceramic industries.  The technology level can be researched, just like real private industry is advancing technology in the BBC article.

Where to bring the good fight?  Where to bring new levels of hygiene so the masses can bleed the lizard, drop a deuce,  break the seal, drain the vein, bait the trap, piss the pot, lay a brick, squeeze the lemon, pinch a loaf, syphon the python, curl one off, shake the snake, release the kraken, water the weasel, spray paint the bowl...

In the Virtonomics Lien realm, my vote is Mexico City.  Preferably the residential district where competition is light.  Local suppliers already provide a decent product there, but it's high price makes it a luxury item.  There is plenty of room to enter the market and steal away profit with a better quality and lower price product.  In Mexico City, more than a quarter million sanitary products are sold each day and there are only seven merchants (beside local suppliers).  Come toilet bowl barons!  South of the border!



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