
Virtonomics Online Business Game

Friday, January 8, 2016

Apparel Industry - Early Warning Indicators or False Alarm?

Virtonomics - Lien Ledger

Are people wearing less apparel these days?

We'll get to that in a minute...

First a serious discussion of the data.

The graph below shows supply side carnage in the real world US apparel industry.  It tells a story of shifting competitive advantage and the resulting and inevitable transfer of production.  

In the Virtonomics Lien realm, something more ominous may be happening. 

Let's take a look at a few global suppy/demand charts, focusing on the demand side.

The light teal bars represent units of global consumption over the last 60 weeks.  The trends we're seeing are not seasonal.

Shirts, demand down.  Jeans, also down.

Dress, suits, shoes?  Down!  Down!  Down!

This decrease in global clothing consumption, if not reversed, will result in a decrease in production not just in one country, but in the majority of countries.

Are the virtual consumers in Virtonomics Lien realm walking around half clothed?  Some in the buff?!?  Who knows the root cause.  I can confirm Lien global population is growing, so deaths (natural or unnatural) do not seem to be the cause.

We'll revisit the apparel industry in the future and see if demand recovers, or if pain felt on the supply side slowly reduces global production capacity.

Reports shown are found in Analytics > Market analysis section of


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